After graduating from college with a Graphic Arts BA in 1981, I began working full-time in a typesetting/graphics company, and it was there that I discovered my talent for proofreading. I had always been an excellent speller and had a sharp eye, and my first job gave me the opportunity to develop my skills. Over the next 16 years, I worked in various graphics companies, learning all about typography and fonts and specs, and gaining experience with everything from ad copy to HMO manuals to legal contracts. In 1997, I went back to school to become computer proficient, and in 1998, I decided to go freelance and work from my home. Since then, my clients have included:
- Health Net
- The American Cancer Society
- The J. Paul Getty Trust
- GTS Graphics, a textbook publishing company
-, an online school for medical students
- Pyrczak Publishing, publishers of instructional manuals
- Kensington Publishing, fiction publishers
- Cygnus Media, publishers of medical trade magazines
- Training Systems Design, creators of online instructional manuals
- Thinkwell Design, creator/developers of out-of-home entertainment experiences